Friday, July 31, 2009


So my company finally allows me to post on this site again...not a lot seems to be the same as four months ago. I have had my views of family and health shaken to the core. I also reflect on the current state of my life and realize even with all the tragedy and crisis in my families lives we are still doing very well and a tighter knit group than ever. I hope it continues as it has been going and cannot wait for things to calm down again when they do.

On a side note, my August is starting to be so full I don't know what to do with myself...I literally have had to schedule time to not have anything to do...and those days are slowly slipping away too... this is partly my fault as I am doing side jobs for my cupcake/cake decorating if you folks in the bloggy-verse live in the North bay or East Bay and want some work done please let me know!

Photos of previous work can be found on my myspace page.

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