Monday, December 15, 2008


So far be it from me to ba humbug the rain...I love that it has started raining, I love the cold dreary weather if for no other reason that it forces people inside, close together. This weekend I was stuck going out and driving a lot of different places, but the time I enjoyed most was the time spent at home cozied up with the Hubby on the bed reading and surrounded by the dogs (aka my children) and the puppies were on the floor (3 week old puppies are too hard to keep on the bed) and all we did was snuggle, read for me and play video games for him. It was a nice intimate sharing of space and time while doing our own independant things. Then last night when we got home all the house mates were there and it was declared a PJ party...we all got our flannels and fleeces out and put on our socks or slippers, had chocolate milk and mac and cheese (homemade) to spend some quality time we just hung out and really got to spend time talking to one another. I suggest to any and all to take advantage of this forced closeness and really make the best out of it. Throw on a kettle make some tea or a few cups of coco and then, pull out the board games, you may be shocked at how good this practically free activity feels...and how good your wallet will feel afterwards. Snuggle up my friends with those you care about...getting cozy in my work chair wishing for the rain to continue long enough to make it home for breakfast for dinner night!

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